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Salmann Investment Management AG

An asset management company
independent from any financial institutions since 1985.

Salmann Investment Management AG is an asset management company, entirely independent of all financial institutions and specialising in serving discerning wealthy private clients. We also manage large institutional portfolios. Founded in 1985, the company is owned by founding shareholders who are closely linked to the company, and by a partner who have overall responsibility for its management.

The term «Salmann», in Middle High German «Salman», stands for a trusted advisor. In ancient Alemannic-German judicial terms, a «Sala» denotes a trustee.

Investment-Blog Stories

Generational change at Salmann Investmenet Management AG in the final phase

Sebastian Schredt has been appointed Partner and Member of the Executive Board as of July 1, 2024. He will be responsible for business development and client support at Salmann.

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continued buoyant mood

In April, investors were unsettled by fears of prolonged high policy interest rates, leading to profit-taking on the global stock markets. Investors were only reassured by falling inflation rates while hopes of the astounding impact of Artificial Intelligence fuelled fantastical share prices for technology stocks. Since mid-May, this, coupled with the expectation of policy rate cuts by the central banks, has led to renewed buying enthusiasm among equity investors. 

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Aktie im Fokus - UBS GROUP AG-REG

UBS is a major global bank and one of the world's largest asset managers with assets under management of around USD 4 trillion. The bank's history dates back to 1862, when it was founded as a bank in Winterthur. In the more than 160 years that followed, UBS truly wrote financial history with all its ups and downs. The takeover of Credit Suisse (CS) marks the beginning of a new era for the major Swiss bank.

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Börsenanstieg gewinnt an Marktbreite

Der im letzten November gestartete Steigflug globaler Dividendenpapiere findet in den ersten drei Monaten des Jahres seine Fortsetzung. Getrieben von den «glorreichen Sieben», wovon noch vier (namentlich Microsoft, Amazon, Meta und Nvidia) übriggeblieben sind, erfreuen sich insbesondere Aktien aus dem Technologiesektor eines starken Momentums. Die Anleihenmärkte haben sich im Zuge nachlassender Inflationszahlen ebenso normalisiert.

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